I love creating beautiful things with great people. My endless pursuit is elegance: in everything me and my team create — processes, products, brands, and businesses.
Pimp My Salad — a bright and colorful food brand and a company.
Role: Co-founder.
Multiple Food Awards
Minimum Inc. Digital product design agency.
Role: Founder.
Steve Jobs mentions one of our apps, in his keynote on the stage.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhi
(Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) Master's degree, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.
Rapidly adding Web3 capabilities to your mobile products • EthDenver, 2023.
Challenges of crypto wallets • Panel • EthDenver, 2022.
Surviving Centralized App Store Delistings: How Mobile Wallets and DApps Can Work Together • Liquidity, 2020.
US 2013/0198,001 • Issued Nov 1, 2012.